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Black Lives Matter to InSPIre the Mind

Writer's picture: Inspire the MindInspire the Mind

Protestors in London. Source: The Evening Standard

This blog has been written on behalf of the InSPIre the Mind editing team. As a team we want to raise awareness of such a prevalent issue going on in our world and hope that the resources we have found can be of use for our readers.


As some of you will know, in light of the ongoing protests and grief around the world following George Floyd’s killing, we have decided not to publish our usual blogs this week.

Particularly at this time, our attention must be on the issue of racism, which continues to impact countless lives across the world. These recent events act as yet another reminder of the systemic racism and oppression present in our society. We recognise that total silence at this time is unhelpful and hope that the resources we have listed below can begin to guide those unsure of what they can do to help. Likewise, we must all continue to examine our roles in this problem, our prejudices, and our privilege.

We have also just published a fantastic piece written by designer and researcher Natasha Trotman entitled, “Black Lives Matter: Transforming Empathy into Action” which discusses the BLM movement from a neurodivergent and diaspora perspective. Thank you, Natasha, for sharing this with us and providing links to some great resources, some of which are included again here.

At InSPIre the Mind, we have a responsibility to use our platform to help highlight and discuss how current societal issues affect mental health and wellbeing. We have spoken with our team and want to take this opportunity to show our support to Black communities and the Black Lives Matter movement. As such, we want to encourage bloggers, writers, poets, and all literary creatives of Black communities to use this platform as a place they can share their work. We hope to amplify Black voices in whatever ways we can; if you are interested in writing a piece for InSPIre the Mind on any topic of your choice linked to mental health, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at




Official George Floyd Memorial Fund — This is the official GoFundMe organised by George Floyd’s family. DONATION LINK (note: this fund is now closed)

Black Lives Matter UK — All money raised here will be put towards paying in full for therapy sessions for those in need, connecting black individuals and families with professional mental health services across the United Kingdom. DONATION LINK /// MORE INFO

UK Black Lives Matter Fund — This fund organised by BLMUK activists aims to continue supporting and campaigning for black communities in both the UK and across the world. DONATION LINK /// MORE INFO

Minnesota Freedom Fund — This fund goes towards paying cash bail for those who cannot afford it, aiming to fight the criminalisation of poverty and the disproportionate harm this causes to communities of colour. DONATION LINK /// MORE INFO

Donate Without Money // Stream to Donate - For those of us who want help but are unable to make any donations directly, there are ways you can support raising funds. Here is a playlist of videos that you can stream on YouTube which will be donating all the ad revenue to support the families and protestors who need it.

What qualifies as a valid view on a video can be tricky, so first, here are a few pointers regarding efficiently streaming. While watching, ensure any ad blocker you are using is turned off and that you do not skip ads. Also, watching the same video on repeat may mean that your views are not counted; to avoid this, just let the playlist autoplay or watch a couple other videos between streaming the same video.


  • Ways to Help / BLACKLIVESMATTERS — this page provides a comprehensive list of educational resources on anti-racism, how to be an ally, and Black history. Also on the site are some great lists for more places to donate and petitions you can sign.

  • This is an extensive list compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein (referenced also in Natasha’s blog) of anti-racism resources for white and non-black minorities, including books, articles, podcasts, videos, and films.

  • Black Mental Health Matters — this is another great website containing resources to therapists and hotlines for black African Americans struggling with mental health.

  • Another collection of places to donate, petitions to sign, and information on protests, with an emphasis on Black women and Black people in LGBTQ+ communities.

Of course, this list should not be taken as a complete set of resources but rather a helpful starting point. Once again, we hope to make InSPIre the Mind a place where writers of all backgrounds are encouraged to share their work on all things mental health.

Thanks for reading — your InSPIre the Mind editors.

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