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The power of the stars: What the horoscope says about me.

Writer: Daniela GiallanellaDaniela Giallanella

People have always been so fascinated by the stars, to the point where starts are tasked with determining our way of life or how the day will unfold.

 Image by Kateryna Hliznitsova via Unsplash+
Image by Kateryna Hliznitsova via Unsplash+

I’m an Italian psychiatrist currently visiting the SPI Lab for 5 months, and during my psychiatric residency I have been fascinated by how people might be influenced by "paranormal beliefs" and which personality qualities are associated with these beliefs.

The concept of the "horoscope" is frequently discussed in relation to its veracity. For example, in Italy, discussing zodiac signs or reading horoscopes is still highly popular, and one of the most famous ones is televised live at the end of the year!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if my bad-temper was explained by my zodiac sign, or if my friend's latest love affair failed because Earth and Fire signs do not mix?

As we have just started the new year, it is intriguing to discuss why people still believe that the stars impact our lives and personalities.

 Image by Allison Saeng via Unsplash+
Image by Allison Saeng via Unsplash+

What is Astrology?

Astrology, in its broadest sense, is the search for meaning in the sky, and the origin of this word is from the Greek word astron (star) + logos (discourse).

Throughout the course of history, many cultures, such as Indian, Chinese and Mayan, examined the movements and positions of stars in the sky, developing intricate systems for predicting terrestrial events based on celestial observations.

Astrology in Western society is a type of divination that involves creating a horoscope based on a person's date of birth. It is based on the movements and relative locations of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon, and planets through the ecliptic plane (that is, the imaginary plane containing the Earth's orbit around the Sun). The zodiac signs of the Sun at an individual's birth date are commonly considered as the basis of the horoscope.

Image by NASA via Unsplash
Image by NASA via Unsplash

Power of the stars or fear of the unknown?

If astrological theories are not supported by any scientific thesis, then why are they still so popular and widespread in modern society?

In a world where it is increasingly difficult to define oneself as an individual and to interact with one’s inner world, astrology provides a simplified way of understanding our feelings and the way we are.

The study of zodiac signs also disengages us from those less positive character traits, which we justify by saying "they are typical of my sign". For example: “He is very irritable! But it’s normal, he is a Scorpio!”

The exposure to astrology can also result in an increase in perceived self-control. In an unpredictable world, writing, or learning about our future provides us with a false sense of control. This could be linked to a desire for finding meaning during stressful times, as this has been identified as a predictor of paranormal and religious beliefs.

In fact, in the midst of a crisis, people may resort to spiritual bypassing. This means employing spiritual concepts and rituals to deal with emotional issues and trauma rather than seeking professional help and experience the emotional pain of working through psychological issues.

Image by Rodion Kutsaiev via Unsplash+
Image by Rodion Kutsaiev via Unsplash+

What does believing in horoscopes say about my personality?

Believing in horoscopes may reveal more about you than your star sign does. Indeed, there is a link between belief in astrology and cognitive, personality, and psychological characteristics, such as thinking style, self-concept validation, and stress. Some examples include:

  • High-stress levels appear to make people more likely to believe in astrology due to the Barnum effect. This is the belief that comments or forecasts are accurate and tailored specifically for one person, when they are actually quite general and may be applied to a large segment of the population. (If you're interested you can read tomorrow's piece by colleague Klaas Bahnsen, "Beyond the Zodiac".)

  • People with a hyper-controlling trait of personality could receive a sense of comfort and greater stability by the predictions, making them more inclined to believe in astrology.

  • People with narcissistic traits could be more drawn to horoscopes, since astrological predictions tend to be positively framed, and this reinforces their grandiose feelings. This study, for example, shows that the higher the level of narcissistic trait, the greater the belief in astrology.

In general, people with more positive personality descriptions as per their sun signs are more likely to believe in astrology.  Furthermore, the more a person is described favourably by its signs, the more they believe in astrology.  

Image by Natalia Blauth via Unsplash+
Image by Natalia Blauth via Unsplash+

Prediction addiction

Some people who experience increasing consultations with their astrologers could give more salience and experience mood changes with its use. Consulting the horoscope becomes one of the most important activities in their schedule, and they feel relieved afterward. If there is a gap between consultations or if the person tries to quit or stop, they may experience discomfort comparable to withdrawal symptoms, like a proper behavioural addiction. They may rely excessively on astrologers or horoscopes to make significant decisions, leading to increased anxiety about dealing with unforeseen situations on their own and finding it difficult to use critical thinking skills in problem-solving.

Because these people are less likely to seek psychological help, the emotional difficulties underlying increased astrology use may worsen. Distressed people may go undetected and mistreated because they are preoccupied with finding a remedy through astrology.

Image by Scott Lord via Unsplash
Image by Scott Lord via Unsplash

Our power over the horoscope

Personally, I find it fun to study the signs and their features, but the Virgo in me remains very skeptical about their actual impact on our lives!

The impact of horoscopes on our lives is determined by how we perceive them, not by the horoscopes themselves. We can conclude that a modest and humorous use of the horoscope is not detrimental; seeking answers to life's difficulties in celestial bodies that are light years away it is.

Living life in its uncertainty, no matter how frightening, makes it worthwhile. Enjoy the journey.

As Lavoisier says, "nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed."

Thus even if stars have no direct impact on our lives, we are nothing more than dust from stars!

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