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104 items found for "maternal"

  • The Perfect Storm: Understanding Perinatal Mental Illness

    This is the first blog of our Maternal Mental Health series. six weeks, dear reader, you will read about the often misrepresented, largely misunderstood world of maternal We hope that this series brings you a greater insight into maternal mental illness and demystifies its It is our society’s inability to value motherhood and maternal health — the people that give birth to To learn more about maternal mental illness check out the Maternal Mental Illness Series at InSPIre the

  • Can pregnancy-related factors increase the risk of ADHD in children?

    The Role of Stress Maternal stress during pregnancy can affect the development of the foetus which can However, the effects of maternal stress are not clearly shown in the early stages of the child’s development Maternal BMI, so a mothers BMI during pregnancy, has been positively associated with difficulties in Studies show lower cognitive performance is also observed in children whose mothers have maternal weight Interestingly, racial and ethnic background may also play a role in the effects of maternal BMI on the


    In this blog, I explore the role of maternal stress, and especially of maternal experience of maltreatment Studies have shown that the style of attachment that most closely correlates with the history of maternal Maternal and mental health clinical services should aim to identify women at risk before, or at the beginning

  • Healthy Mum, Healthy Baby, Healthy Future 

    vision for changing the wellbeing of future generations by tackling the longstanding shortcomings in maternal Tackling this problem could make a big difference for these women and their children, with maternal mental In the UK, the Women’s Health Strategy is an opportunity for change, with maternal health a key priority regulatory and government sectors to address the recommendations of the Commission’s report and make maternal Hannah Chance is a Research Policy Executive at ABPI, sits on the Maternal Health Group that provided

  • The secret bond between mother and child: The power of breast milk nutrients

    hormones which increase during lactation, especially oxytocin and prolactin, can reduce stress in the maternal Breast milk composition and the effects of maternal mental health Our recent paper, published in Brain literature to explore how the molecular composition of breast milk might represent a bridge between maternal In our review, we identify a number of studies which show that maternal mental health problems can affect Most importantly, little is known on how maternal mental health can affect breast milk composition, and

  • Beyond Daddy Blues

    Generally, my work focuses on maternal mental health for a number of reasons — but primarily because I think that maternal mental illness effects on the mother has only recently been getting the attention The author writes, “While maternal postpartum depression is widely discussed and recognized as a serious and the clinical research available on this topic, points to the importance and safety of treating maternal

  • Understanding postpartum psychosis: what do we currently know?

    This is the third week of our Maternal Mental Health series, and it is dedicated to Postpartum Psychosis The postpartum period is a time of increased risk for maternal suicide and, according to the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal and Child Health, suicide represents the leading cause of maternal death within

  • One Duchess, #5BigQuestions, 730 thousand births and 3.9 million children:

    Trudi and I were really impressed by her keen interest in maternal mental health and her knowledge on She wanted to meet experts in the fields of maternal mental health, as well as clinicians and patients She wanted to know more about the consequences of maternal mental problems on children, and about the thousand births per year in the UK — yes, this is in the title — and a quarter of these will be touched by maternal

  • Black mothers matter. So why are they still dying?

    And, specifically, the disparity in the quality of maternal health care — including mental health care So each time I see yet another headline, whether in the US or the UK, about a maternal or infant death What do we know about maternal health care in the US? And so, while the overall mortality rate is 17.2 maternal deaths per 100,000 pregnancies — for context , the rate in Sweden is 4 per 100,000 and in South Africa, 119 per 100,000— when maternal ethnicity is

  • How to Help Babies Sleep Better Without Just Leaving Them Crying

    Furthermore, there is evidence that these techniques don’t improve maternal and infant outcomes, but In fact, they may lead to premature breastfeeding cessation, increased maternal anxiety, and even possibly approach doesn’t prevent sleep and behavioural problems later in childhood and doesn’t protect against maternal introduction of solids food, the baby starts crawling or walking, or the mother returns to work after maternity

  • Using Expressive Writing to cope with childbirth

    The personal, social, and family beliefs around childbirth, often conveyed by narrative on maternity, childbirth, because of personal, social, and family beliefs, often conveyed by the general shared view on maternity Moreover, this evidence is consistent with the experience of women described in our previous blog on the ‘Maternal

  • The Baby’s Need for Physical Contact with the Caregiver

    In addition, it also lowers maternal depressive symptoms and stress and improves breastfeeding. In fact, maternal contact and touch function to regulate the baby’s stress response, while maternal-baby

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